Sometimes You Have to Disconnect to Reconnect

Tishler Coaching Services DisconnectI was in a small peer group being coached. I blurted out, “My cell phone is ruining my life! I get into bed at night and it calls to me. I use it when falling asleep, when I can’t sleep, and when I first wake up! The worst part is that I am stalking people I don’t like to see what they are doing!”

There was silence on the line.

Then one of my peers said, “Leave the phone somewhere else?”

Sounds simple, right?

Could I do it?

“I have to!” I responded. I couldn’t believe those words came out of my mouth! I couldn’t believe I actually brought it up, even. It was my dark secret. I would settle into bed with it, even if my husband was talking to me. If I was up in the middle of the night I would reach for the phone, check my fb, ig, then twitter, then email, then back to fb. “Was anyone else up?”

Another peer chimed in, “When are you going to start the separation?” Ohhhh the breakup. My mind was racing – would I be able to do this? If so, when?

I am a doer. When I say I am going to do something, I do it. Therefore, my response was “tonight.”

I am happy to report I have successfully left my phone far away enough from my sleep surroundings ever since that night. When I am home, that phone stays downstairs. Tactically speaking if I think there is going to be a snow day, it’s in the bathroom. If I am at a hotel, it’s in the bathroom, unless I need an alarm. And then it’s on airplane mode.

This small change has made a huge difference in my life. I actually talk to my husband at night. I read. I fall asleep easily. I get up in the morning and get ready for my day – then I go downstairs and check my phone. Funny, looking at my sleep patterns now, I hardly ever have insomnia anymore.

Disconnecting has actually allowed me to reconnect.








This post was written and published by Stephanie Tishler, CPC, a Career, Life, and Business Coach based in Glastonbury, CT. Read more from Stephanie’s blog here, or unlock your potential with 1:1 coaching services!

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